Boosting Your Team's Productivity 1806272153140097

Boosting Your Team's Productivity

MP4 | Video: 720p | Duration: 39:08 | English | Subtitles: VTT | 321.2 MB

Many managers unknowingly make things overly complex for their teams-and this can be a drain on productivity. In this course, coach Lisa Bodell shows how to boost productivity by letting go of complexity and adopting simplicity.

Lisa begins with a quick diagnostic exercise to identify areas of complexity in your workday. Next, she explains how to get simplification started, like auditing how your team spends time and pinpointing redundancies and time-wasting activities. Finally, Lisa provides actionable steps for simplifying everyday work like email, meetings, business processes, decision-making, and more.

Topics include:

Identifying unnecessary complexity

Auditing your workday

Establishing productive habits

Simplifying emails and meetings

Streamlining decision-making





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