I don’t think that international marriage is a good idea.

The first reason is that people from different countries have a different culture and different way of thinking. So, couples that are from different countries will often fight because they cannot agree with each other because of the culture. For example, it is common for people from the USA to show a lot of affection in public, like kissing, but in Vietnam, this is not OK.

Another reason is language. It is difficult to explain ideas clearly when we cannot speak the language of the other person, or the other person cannot speak our language.

One final reason is that when two people from different countries get married, one of them has to live far away from his or her family.

If you want to get marry someone from another, you should make sure that you understand your partner’s culture very well before you get married. Also, couples make should make sure that their language is good enough to communicate fluently with each other.