The table illustrates the number of people who watched sports programs on television in different countries in millions. Overall, what stands out from the table is that USA has the highest people who enjoyed watching sports on television. In addition, it can be seen that tennis is the most popular sport for television viewers compared to others sports.

In detail, 25.2 million Americans preferred watching sports on TV, which increased than other three countries. In all four countries, tennis is the most famous sports than golf, motor-racing, athletics. The total number of people who being engrossed in tennis is nearly 26 million and higher than motor racing at 12.7 million.

Not many people like watching motor racing on television compared to other activities. In USA and Canada, only 1-1.5 million people watch that program but it more popular in Australia and Britain. Golf is more common in USA but it's viewers go down noticeably in three nationalities. Around 17 million people watching athletics, which more higher than motor racing