The blistering pace of industrialization has came up with the prevalence of surveillance. While I recognize that critics may regard this as an infringement of privacy, I feel that the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. It deniable that surveillance cameras has facilitated our lives in many different ways. The proliferation of CTV cameras greatly contribute to deter criminal and prevent crime. For example, once thieves realise that your home and business is protected by a closed circuit television system, they invariably choose to go somewhere else. Moreover, installing security camera offers remote monitoring. All of our CTV observed and controlled remotely through an Iphone, Laptop or other device via the internet and thus protect society from any threat and provide people with sense of safety and security. But to acknowledge only the positive impact would be short-sighted. If “ convenience” is what we gain from all of this technology, then freedom is one things we lose. These camera infringe our privacy by allowing other people continually monitor us. Many people find thus intrusive and feel that recording their movement is form of state control that restrict their personal liberty.

Given the above arguments, it is reasonable to conclude that although surveillance have some benefits the negative influence it has produced should not be overlooked because the downsides far exceed the merits.