501 Critical Reading Questions là tài liệu được thiết kế giúp các bạn làm chủ kĩ năng đọc hiểu của bản thân. Cuốn sách trình bày về 9 chủ đề quen thuộc và gần gũi với các bạn, đồng thời cuốn sách còn đưa ra các chiến lược, phương pháp khi đọc bài cũng như cách làm bài thi. Sau khi tham khảo cuốn sách, chắc chắn kĩ năng đọc, làm chủ ngôn ngữ tiếng Anh của bạn sẽ tốt hơn rất nhiều.

9 chủ đề trong 501 Critical Reading Questions:

- Popular Culture

- U.S History anh Politics

- Art and Humanities

- Health and Medicine

- Literature and Literary Criticism

- Music

- Science and Nature

- Sports anh Leisure

- Social Studies

Source Material

7 lời khuyên, chú ý giúp các bạn luyện kĩ năng đọc hiểu cũng như làm bài được tốt hơn:

- Get involved with the passage.Critical reading is an active endeavor, not a passive one. React to the material, form questions as you read, and make your own marks on the paper. Write in the margins, underline important words and sentences—talk back!

- Try looking at the questions(but not the answers) before you read the passage.Make sure you understand what each question is asking. What are the key words in the questions? Are there phrases you can look for in the passage? If so, underline them or jot them in the margin so that you can look for them in the passage. Then, when you find them, you can either answer the question right away or mark the area to return to later.

- After reading the passage, return to the questions and try to answer each one in your own words before you look at your answer choices.The reason for this is that the answers will contain distracter choices. These are choices that are logically plausible but not correct, that contain words and phrases found in the passage but are not correct, or that are close to correct but wrong in some detail. If you can formulate your own answer before looking at your choices, you are less likely to be lured by an incorrect answer choice.

- As with all multiple-choice questions, elimination is an important strategy when you aren’t sure of the answer.Usually you can narrow down your choices to two or three without too much effort. When you eliminate an incorrect choice, it’s important to actually cross it out in your test booklet so that you aren’t distracted by it again as you focus on the remaining possibilities.

- Refer back to the passage(s) on virtually every question.Even if you think you know the answer to a question without looking at the passage, look anyway, just to confirm your answer and to make sure you haven’t fallen for a clever distracter.

- When you encounter a two-passage section, read the passages with their relationship in mind.Are they opposed or in agreement? If there is some other type of relationship, how would you describe it? If the passages have opposing viewpoints, what are the points of difference? You may want to make notes about these things in the margin.

- Don’t be afraid to skip around among the questions, or among the passages within a section.This is an especially important strategy if you know from past experience that you often run out of time on standardized tests. If this is the case, and you encounter a passage you’re having difficulty with, go on to the next one and come back to the difficult one later, as time allows.

Finally, as you work through these 501 questions, think of it as time spent doing something for yourself. It is extremely important for you to improve your critical reading skills, not only for standardized tests, but also for your success throughout life. And, besides, there is some pretty interesting stuff in this book! Enjoy.

Các bạn có thể tham khảo tài liệu bằng cách tải bản đầy đủ một cách hoàn toàn miễn phí tại phần đính kèm bên dưới.

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501 Critical Reading Questions 1
