[bd] Widget Framework là Addons tạo Widget cho Xenforo, giúp bạn tạo ra các Widget giống như diễn đàn siêu thủ thuật đang sử dụng

[bd] Widget Framework mới nhất cho xenforo O2ACMcP


1. Add any widgets to any pages of XenForo or other add-ons.

2. Create new pages consists of widgets (built-in widgets or widgets from other add-ons)

3. Set Widget Page as Index


1. Upload files and directories inside `upload` to XenForo's root directory. Select "Merge" for everything if you are asked

2. Import the .xml file using XenForo add-on importer

3. Enjoy

*. [For Devs] Enable debug mode: add `$config['wfDebug'] = true;` to config.php


Currently, the add-on is packed with the following widgets:

- Clear Sidebar

- Birthday (since 1.1)

- Feed Reader (since 2.1)

- Forum Statistics

- Share This Page

- Thread with Poll (since 1.0)

- Threads. 4 modes: new threads, new replies, most viewed, most replied, most liked, polls

- User Recent Status (since 1.0.9)

- Users. 3 order by: register_date, message_count, resource_count

- User Online Now, User Online Now (Staff)

- Users: Find (since 1.5)

- Visitor Panel (since 1.0.9)

- XFRM: Resources. 4 modes: new, updated, highest rating, most downloaded

- HTML, HTML (without wrapper)

- PHP Callback (since 1.0.10)

- Template, Template (without wrapper) (since 1.2)

Download [bd] Widget Framework

[bd] Widget Framework 2.6.3-BETA18

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