Chào các bạn, hôm nay Prosource Việt Nam – tiền thân là trung tâm Royal English Academy (REA) xin chia sẻ một số thành ngữ trong tiếng Anh. Thành ngữ sẽ là một công cụ cứu cánh giúp cải thiện IELTS bandscore của bạn một cách đáng kể nhưng bạn cũng hãy cẩn thận với nó vì nó có thể sẽ là con dao hai lưỡi nếu như sử dụng sai đó. Vì vậy, hãy cùng Prosource Việt Nam học một số thành ngữ để sử dụng sao cho hiệu quả nhất nha:

English Idioms relating to


1. Ants in one's pants: People who have ants in their pants are very restless or excited about something

Eg: I wish he'd relax. He's got ants in his pants about something today!

2. Bare your heart (or soul) to someone: If you bare your heart or soul to someone, you reveal your innermost thoughts and feelings to them.

Eg: John couldn't keep things to himself any longer. He decided to bare his soul to his best friend.

3. Bear the brunt (of something): A person who bears the brunt of something is the one who suffers the most when something bad or unpleasant happens.

Eg: When things go wrong, his assistant always has to bear the brunt of his anger.

4. Bent out of shape: If you get bent out of shape, you become very annoyed or upset about something that is usually not that important or cannot be avoided.

Eg: Don't get bent out of shape if you're delayed. We'll wait for you.

5. Beside yourself (with an emotion): If you are beside yourself (with an emotion), you lose your self-control because of the intensity of the emotion you are feeling.

Eg: He was beside himself with grief when he lost his son.

6. Carry the torch: If you carry the torch, you have strong feelings for someone with whom you do not or cannot have a relationship..

Eg: He's been carrying the torch for Julie since their college days, before she married Ted.

7. Wouldn't be caught/seen dead: If someone says that they wouldn't be caught or seen dead in a particular place or doing something, they mean that they would be too ashamed or embarrassed.

Eg: My seven-year-old son thinks he's a big boy; he wouldn't be caught dead holding my hand!

8. Cause a stir: If something causes a stir, it creates an atmosphere of excitementor great interest.

Eg: The arrival of the actress caused quite a stir in the village.

9. Cheesed off: If someone is cheesed off with something, they are annoyed, bored or frustrated.

Eg: Julie is absolutely cheesed off with her job.

10. A chip on your shoulder: If someone has a chip on their shoulder, they feel resentful because they feel they are being treated unfairly, especially because of their background, their s.ex or their colour.

(To be continued)