Air your dirty laundry in public: Vạch áo cho người xem lưng.

If you air your dirty laundry in public, you reveal aspects of your private life that should really remain private, by telling a secret, arguing in public, etc.

Albatross around your neck

An albatross around, or round, your neck is a problem resulting from something you did that stops you from being successful.

Alike as two peas

If people or things are as alike as two peas, they are identical.

Alive and kicking

If something is active and doing well, it is alive and kicking. (It can be used for people too.)

All along

If you have known or suspected something all along, then you have felt this from the beginning.

All and sundry

This idiom is a way of emphasising 'all', like saying 'each and every one'.

All bark and no bite: Thùng rỗng kêu to.

When someone talks tough but really isn't, they are all bark and no bite.

All bets are off

(USA) If all bets are off, then agreements that have been made no longer apply.

All dressed up and nowhere to go

You're prepared for something that isn't going to happen.

All ears

If someone says they're all ears, they are very interested in hearing about something.

All eyes on me

If all eyes are on someone, then everyone is paying attention to them.

All fingers and thumbs

If you're all fingers and thumbs, you are too excited or clumsy to do something properly that requires manual dexterity. 'All thumbs' is an alternative form of the idiom.

All hat, no cattle

(USA) When someone talks big, but cannot back it up, they are all hat, no cattle.('Big hat, no cattle' is also used.)

All heart

Someone who is all heart is very kind and generous.

All hell broke loose

When all hell breaks loose, there is chaos, confusion and trouble.

All in a day's work

If something is all in a day's work, it is nothing special.

All in your head

If something is all in your head, you have imagined it and it is not real.

All mod cons

If something has all mod cons, it has all the best and most desirable features. It is an abbreviation of 'modern convenience' that was used in house adverts.

All mouth and trousers

(UK) Someone who's all mouth and trousers talks or boasts a lot but doesn't deliver. 'All mouth and no trousers' is also used, though this is a corruption of the original.

All my eye and Peggy Martin

(UK) An idiom that appears to have gone out of use but was prevalent in the English north Midlands of Staffordshire, Cheshire and Derbyshire from at least the turn of the 20th century until the early 1950s or so. The idiom's meaning is literally something said or written that is unbelievable, rumor, over embellished, the result of malicious village gossip etc.

All of the above

This idiom can be used to mean everything that has been said or written, especially all the choices or possibilities.

All over bar the shouting

When something is all over bar the shouting, the outcome is absolutely certain.('All over but the shouting' is also used.)

All over the map

(USA) If something like a discussion is all over the map, it doesn't stick to the main topic and goes off on tangents.

All over the place

If something is completely disorganised or confused, it is all over the place.

All over the shop

If something is completely disorganised or confused, it is all over the shop.

All over the show

If something is all over the show, it's in a complete mess.An alternative to 'All over the shop'.

All roads lead to Rome: Mọi con đường đều dẫn đến thành Rome.

This means that there can be many different ways of doing something.

All set

If you're all set, you are ready for something.

All sixes

If something is all sixes, it doesn't matter how it's done; it's the same as 'six of one and half a dozen of the other'.

All skin and bone

If a person is very underweight, they are all skin and bone, or bones.

All square

If something is all square, nobody has an advantage or is ahead of the others.

All talk and no trousers

(UK) Someone who is all talk and no trousers, talks about doing big, important things, but doesn't take any action.

All that glitters is not gold

This means that appearances can be deceptive and things that look or sound valuable can be worthless. ('All that glistens is not gold' is an alternative.)

All the rage

If something's all the rage, it is very popular or fashionable at the moment.

All the tea in China

If someone won't do something for all the tea in China, they won't do it no matter how much money they are offered.

All your eggs in one basket: Để trứng trong cùng một rổ (Thường nói "đừng để trứng trong cùng một rổ" - trong lĩnh vực kinh tế rất hay sử dụng thành ngữ này).

If you put all your eggs in one basket, you risk everything at once, instead of trying to spread the risk. (This is often used as a negative imperative- 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket'. 'Have your eggs in one basket' is also used.)

All's fair in love and war

This idiom is used to say that where there is conflict, people can be expected to behave in a more vicious way.

All's well that ends well

If the end result is good, then everything is good.

All-singing, all-dancing

If something's all-singing, all-dancing, it is the latest version with the most up-to-date features.

Alter ego

An alter ego is a very close and intimate friend. It is a Latin phrase that literally means 'other self'.

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride

If someone is always a bridesmaid, never a bride, they never manage to fulfill their ambition- they get close, but never manage the recognition, etc, they crave.

Ambulance chaser

A lawyer who encourages people who have been in accidents or become ill to sue for compensation is an ambulance chaser.


Some use 'Amen' or 'Amen to that' as a way of agreeing with something that has just been said.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Eating healthy food keeps you healthy.

An old flame

An old flame is a person that somebody has had an emotional, usually passionate, relationship with, who is still looked on fondly and with affection.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure: Phòng bệnh hơn chữa bệnh.

This expression means that is is better to try to avoid problems in the first place, rather than trying to fix them once they arise.

And all that jazz

This idiom means that everything related or similar is included.

Angry as a bear

If someone is as angry as a bear, they are very angry.('Angry as a bear with a sore foot' is also used.)

Angry as a bull

If someone is as angry as a bull, they are very angry.

Answers on a postcard

This idiom can be used to suggest that the answer to something is very obvious or that the person would really like to hear what people think.

Ants in your pants

If someone has ants in their pants, they are agitated or excited about something and can't keep still.

Any port in a storm

This means that in an emergency any solution will do, even one that would normally be unacceptable.

Any Tom, Dick or Harry

If something could be done by any Tom, Dick or Harry, it could be done by absolutely anyone.

Apple of your eye

Something or, more often, someone that is very special to you is the 'apple of your' eye.

Apple pie order

Everything is in perfect order and tidy if it is in apple pie order.

Apples and oranges

Tis used when people compare or describe two totally different things. ('Apples to oranges' is also used.)

Apples for apples

An apples for apples comparison is a comparison between related or simialr things. ('Apples to apples' is also used.)

Apron strings

A man who is tied to a woman's apron strings is excessively dependent on her, especially when it is his mother's apron strings.

Argue the toss

(UK) If you argue the toss, you refuse to accept a decision and argue about it.

Arm and a leg

If something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive.

Armchair critic

An armchair critic is someone who offers advice but never shows that they could actually do any better.

Armed to the teeth: Đc trang bị đến tận chân răng.

If people are armed to the teeth, they have lots of weapons.

Around the clock

If something is open around the clock, it is open 24 hours a day. For example, an airport is open around the clock.

Arrow in the quiver

An arrow in the quiver is a strategy or option that could be used to achieve your objective.

As a rule

If you do something as a rule, then you usually do it.

As cold as ice

This idiom can be used to describe a person who does not show any emotion.

As cold as stone

If something is as cold as stone, it is very cold. If a person is as cold as stone, they are unemotional.

As cool as a cucumber

If someone is as cool as a cucumber, they don't get worried by anything.

As good as new: Tốt như mới.

If something has been used but is still in extremely good condition, it is as good as new.