To grow the need for sustenance to sustain the rising population, a country needs to utilize some edible insects as a nourishment source. Besides, some people credit that insects are not only harmful but also carnage will destroy the balance of nature. In the following part, I will discuss some of the utilities and drawbacks of consuming insects.

People are divided in their opinion regarding the pros and cons of eating insects. To clarify this issue, the first thing to mention is the pros. It seems to be gross but benefits our bodies and our world in many different ways. Typically, insects are a good source of nutrients. As recorded by scientists, the percentage of protein contained in an insect is about 14 grams, more than the number of grams in a slice of chicken. Because of that, despite eating beef or chicken, some countries could be using insects as food sources to produce enough amount of calo for citizens, avoiding them away from famine when the population is growing rapidly. Furthermore, eating entomology could reduce the increase in the country's budget. That money could be used for other activities such as the Covid-19 epidemic and the development of the country.

Alternatively, all problems could always have good and bad, not except this problem. Each person's body is different, and the adaptation to different types of food is different. Because of that, consuming insects could also cause allergies and may harm your body. If we eat insects without knowing if they cause allergic reactions or not, our bodies will be damaged. Around the world, they have found some cases died because of allergies when continue eating them without knowing it is harmful. Moreover, by eating them, we could have some diseases our antibodies couldn't protect us. The bacteria could be founded in the insect body and might cause an epidemic if the citizens continue to consume it.

To summarize, eating vectors might produce many proteins for our bodies, adequately provide nutrients, and could decrease the country's budget. However, eating them could cause the possibility of allergens and people might get noxious bacteria.