Task 2: some people say that in order to be happy, you must have a job you love doing. Others say that other factors are more important.

Some individuals would argue that they totally feel joyful when they get a favorite job. But some consider other crucial factors will take over this deed. So, if occupation manipulates us to catch up with in order to cash in, then does it actually give us happiness?

On the daily way to my school, I met some workers on a regular basis. The significant point was they all seemed to be pale-faced, exhausted. Hardly had they looked dynamic. But in some cases, I saw a few thrilled workers. The question is raised whether the job people have an interest in comprehensively is a glittering point in the vicissitudes of their life or makes them fall into a bad mood. Job people stick to every day is anecdotally thing on the way they try to find to be blissful.

To my mind, this suggests that happiness depends on other things. For instance, things as family, cup of tea, good health and being myself typically. Or basically, it is a mixture of factors mingling with each other. We can picture a man with impressive accomplishments in his business domain without having a family will not have a cheerful life, just due to his loneliness. Some hometown officers honestly said that having a youthful vigor in working is the main key that makes them happy not due to the job they are passionate about.

In conclusion, saying explicitly to be happy in life, we not only have a favorite job but also other objective factors. Anything also makes us joyful even a little thing that we have never considered before.​