Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make the life simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Due to the development of technology, our life has changed rapidly both in 2 ways, positive way and negative way. Some people believed that, technology can’t do anything but making our life more complicated. They suggested that we should cut off technology out off our live. From my perspective, this is not true.

Firstly, let’s think about the reason why scientists decided to develop technology, to modernize it. If it does not help our live, scientists won’t do it. Technology is a huge area. It is not just about the internet but it also about the devices that we use in our daily life like the vacuum cleaner or the dish washer. Those kind of devices have been upgraded that people can use AI to use it. Everything will be done in just one click. Secondly, technological advancement has encouraged the proliferation of ample high-tech means of recreations, which obviously can enrich people’s mental and spiritual life and can make our life become more meaningful. Last but not least, the development of technology can reflect a country’s level of development.

However, everything has its drawbacks. The more develop technology is, the more health problems appear. The most obvious health problem that we can easily face with is eye strain. The second problem is depression. When you spend most of your time on technology, you will develop a sedentary life, which is kinda has serious effect your relationship with other people and your lifestyle. For my perspective, the most important reason why technology makes life complex is that some older people cannot catch up with the development. They are too old to adapt new things in just a short period.

In the final analysis, technology plays an important role in our daily life. We cannot stop using it when it is too hard to use. All we have to do is accept it and try to catch up with its development not only in our country but also in worldwide.