There is an increasing number of employees hooked on a distressing phenomenon of excess work. This essay will discuss its main reasons and some possible consequences.

It is apparent that overworking is caused by a number of factors. From my perspective, the foremost culprit is a supplement competitive society. This may result from a parallel development between the world and demand in humans’ ability. To be more specific, a cadre of individuals who are the best and brightest will be provided with opportunities, which means they receive a profitable job, cooperate with intriguing partners and work on global deals. Otherwise, people who cannot keep up with the pace will end up at some kind of second-tier firm and fall into an abyss of personal social status descent. Another contributor to this unease trend is that people have become more materialistic. Such judgments about one’s living condition made by a cursory glance at their accessories have stimulated and perpetuated employees’ work ethic. Besides, workers wanting to earn a bonus are bound to undergo extended working hours since their peers are doing the same and only one with the best job performance gets rewarded.

It is indisputable that excess work will lead to some demerits. First, people suffering from heavy workloads will soon face up inevitable physical and mental health problems. This because long hours of work lead to work-life imbalance, which means less workers’ free time will be spent on participating in outdoor activities and entertaining. Later, this reduction possibly triggers obesity, sleep deprivation, and depression. Furthermore, not only the individuals become victims but also the society. It is rational that a rocketed number of employees undergoing ailments will place a burden on the healthcare system. Such disorders as corpulence, melancholy, or insomnia require long-term treatment and constant check out, leading to a tremendous cost. Nevertheless, extended work weeks also bring about some merits. One is that more working hours equip people with higher income. A company's reward structure promotes a bonus along with the base salary due to their employees’ high productivity. This may exacerbate workers’ health, yet provide them with money security, give them opportunities to purchase luxury items, improve their life quality. Besides, forcing employees to overwork can boost the world's economy since the productivity rate will rise.

In conclusion, extended working hours are undoubtedly a global crisis triggered by a demanding world and a material fetish lifestyle, which results in aggravation of humans well-being and the healthcare insurance system. However, this trend can support workers in making both ends meet and be the driver of the world’s economy.