Many people hold the view that parents should equip their children with mobile phones to communicate or access the Internet to find study materials. I think a part of students do not use it properly so I agree that parents should restrict the using smartphone of their children.

Firstly, if your teen’s grades are slipping, taking away their phone might be in order. Limiting phone use for a while might mean fewer distractions while doing homework. But more importantly, you can use the phone as a motivator to get good grades. For example, parents can tell children that “When you get caught up on all your homework, you can have your phone back.” Earning phone privileges could be the incentive they need to get serious about school work.

Secondly, limiting phone viewing can help your child return to real life and live more comfortably instead of punching in social networks. For example, some teens grow dependent on social media to fuel their self-worth. When they receive positive comments and likes on their social media activity, they feel good about themselves. But if they aren’t drawing enough positive attention, their self-esteem plummets. In addition, some teens are obsessed with selfies and sometimes they are risking their lives to capture selfies on the edge of a cliff or while performing dangerous stunts all to gain attention and admiration. Therefore, parents should look for teachable moments when they can help their teens establish healthier screen time habits.

In conclusion, parents should do appropriate guidance and supervision, teens can discover how to safely integrate technology into their lives. Just make sure to intervene if your teen is developing unhealthy cell phone habits or if their phone use introduces new problems into their life.

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