Studying abroad is thought by many students to be the best way to get a good education. On the other hand, some students believe that studying in another country has many drawbacks.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Use the worksheet to help plan your essay.

Write 250 words.

Some people argue that overseas curriculums are the appropriate way to gain a better education. Others think that there are numerous demerits of studying in foreign countries. Personally, I believe that both statements show some merits, depending on the interests of each individual.

Studying abroad significantly provides learners opportunities to meet professors and professional friends. Since students spend most of their school days with teachers and friends, it is certainly ideal for them to learn from experienced people. They can additionally make new friends from all over the world with totally different cultures and forms of study. Moreover, developing and developed countries also have modern facilities in which pupils can apply the theory they have learned in practice. This gives students opportunities to learn from failure.

Although this argument has many upsides, there are still some downsides as people may not learn their subject from specialized teachers. To illustrate, each school has its own strengths in the subject, but if accidentally the pupil chose a major that the school does not good at, they could waste their time studying it without gaining enough knowledge. In addition, some students often have problems with language barriers or communication issues as they do not have a good command of languages. While people around them chat comfortably, they do not understand what their friends talk about, which makes them feel lonely and hard to integrate. As a consequence, they may have difficulties in learning and communicating with foreign people and even understanding the lessons.

In summary, each method has its own values, people must choose their study wisely in order to approach the one that best suits them.