Những mẫu câu sau đây sẽ giúp bạn liên kết các ý tưởng, các luận điểm trong phần trình bày của mình. Đồng thời nó cũng giúp người nghe dễ dàng nắm bắt cấu trúc ý tưởng của bạn.

Introducing your first point

- To start with, then I’d like to consider …

- First of all, I’d like to look at …

Finishing a point

- Those are the main points on …

- That’s all I have to say about …

- So that, then, is …

- Now we’ve looked at …

- Now we’ve dealt with …

Starting a new point

- Now let’s turn to …

- Now let’s move on to …

- I’d like now to consider …

- I’d like now to examine …

- Next we come to …

- Turning now to …

- Let’s move on now to …

- The next point I’d like to make is …

Referring to what you have said

- As I said at the beginning …

- I told you a few moments ago that …

- In the first part of my talk, I said …

- As I’ve already said, …

- As I mentioned earlier, …

Referring to what you will say

- I’ll come to that later.

- I’ll return to this point in a few minutes.

- … and I’ll talk about this in the next part of my presentation.

- … I’ll comment on this in my conclusion


- So now I’d just like to summarise the main points.

- In brief, we have looked at …


- That’s all I have to say for now.

- (I think) that covers most of the points.

- That concludes my talk.

- Thank you for your attention.

Inviting questions

- And now, if you have any questions, I’ll be glad to (try to) answer them.

- Does anyone have any questions?

- Any questions?